Lead with Confidence: Mastering Purpose and Identity for Organizational Readiness

Lead with Confidence Mastering Purpose and Identity for Organizational Readiness

When was the last time you critically examined your organization’s Purpose and Identity? If it’s been a while, you might be missing out on crucial opportunities for growth and adaptation.

Don’t make the mistake of viewing your company’s Purpose and Identity as fixed and unchangeable…

Let me tell you a story about a little paper mill founded in Sweden more than 150 years ago. 

It was good at what it did, and it enjoyed considerable success. It grew over time, eventually becoming a global business.

You’ve heard of it. You may even have owned one of its products.


Wait, you say! Isn’t Nokia a phone company?

Yes, that’s true… You see, that paper mill was powered by hydroelectric power, so it branched out into electricity generation. And the electric transmission lines it built paved the way for other electrical and telegraph components, which led to a new focus on electronics, then mobile technology, and finally mobile phones!

The same company has been around for over 150 years, responding to changes in its environment, adapting based on its core capabilities, and refreshing its purpose and identity over time.

It would be very confusing, as you can understand, for mobile phone manufacturers to think of their identity in terms of the original paper mill. That Purpose and Identity had to change over time, but they developed in ways that were consistent with what had come before.

Until they didn’t…

Yes, you may recall that Nokia misunderstood the potential of smart phones, first introduced in the Apple iPhone in 2007. It never made the shift in its Identity from being a leading global phone manufacturer to becoming a global computing platform. And today, Nokia is a shadow of itself.


Reviewing Your Purpose and Identity


How can you ensure that your company continues to have a relevant and compelling Purpose and Identity?

Here are some tips to help you review your Purpose and Identity so that they are helpful guides to you and your teams;

  • Perform a relevance check: Evaluate your purpose against current market conditions, societal needs, and technological advancements. If your purpose feels outdated or disconnected from present realities, it may be time for an update.
  • Hold purpose reflection sessions: Organize annual leadership retreats focused on reviewing and discussing the organization’s purpose and identity. Use these sessions to critically examine whether they still resonate and drive your organization forward.
  • Conduct regular stakeholder surveys: Annually survey employees, customers, and partners to gauge their understanding and alignment with your organization’s purpose and identity. Significant misalignment or confusion may indicate a need for refinement.

Once you have completed this work, you can turn your attention to strengthening the shared sense of Purpose and Identity across the whole organization.


Strengthening Purpose Across Your Organization 


Ask yourselves: Are people clear on the mission of your organization?

To strengthen your organization’s purpose:

  1. Communicate your purpose consistently. Make it a central part of all-hands meetings, onboarding processes, and external communications.
  2. Align decision-making with your purpose. When faced with tough choices, use your mission as a guiding principle.
  3. Encourage employees to connect their individual roles to the larger purpose. This fosters engagement and a sense of meaning in their work.


Reinforcing Your Organizational Identity


Ask yourselves: Do we have a strong sense of identity of who we are?

To reinforce your organization’s identity:

  1. Define and articulate your values and desired behaviors. These should guide interactions and decision-making at all levels.
  2. Foster a distinctive culture. Encourage traditions, rituals, and practices that reinforce your organization’s unique identity.
  3. Lead by example. As a leader, the ways you model and embody the organization’s identity gives permission to others to follow suit.


Purpose and Identity act as anchors during times of change. They provide stability and direction, allowing your organization to adapt without losing its essence. 

You will also see the benefits of doing so in increased adaptability, improved employee engagement, and better alignment with market and customer needs.

I encourage you to reflect on these aspects of your organization. Are your purpose and identity clear, relevant, and compelling? If not, consider this an opportunity for growth and strengthening.

This week, why don’t you schedule your first Purpose and Identity review session? It’s the first step towards building a more prepared organization, one that you can lead with calm and confidence!




What’s Next?


  • Carry out a ‘check’ on your readiness for leading change and growth.

I’ve developed a simple tool that you can use to take the temperature on your bandwidth and capacity for leading change.

My assessment tool, “Taking Root: Assessing Your Readiness for Leading

Change and Growth,” is all about preparing yourself for change whether expected or unexpected! 

You can use it to assess yourself, as the basis for a discussion with your team, or as an engagement tool for your whole organization. 

Download it for yourself here: https://rcachangeadvisors.com/downloads/


  • Learn more about the three ways I work with change leaders and their teams.

Have you been curious about how you can work with me? Well, I’ve just added some new information to my website that describes the three ways in which I can help leaders like you. Read more:

  1. I support Individuals through Leadership Coaching
  2. I develop Leaders through Group Coaching and Learning Programs
  3. I enable Stronger Organizations through Effective Teams

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