Leadership during times of change and growth is a lot like the work of a gardener— there’s a lot of time invested in preparing and cultivating before you see the “harvest.”

The RCA Seasons of Growth™ framework introduces the three phases involved in this work of leading change.

Each phase focuses on key issues that need attention, laying the foundation for what follows next.

In Leading Change Like a Gardener, you will learn how to proactively embrace each of these three phases, putting you on a path to success!

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[vc_row tablet_fullwidth_cols=”yes” center_row=”yes” no_margins=”true” bg_color=”#1163aa”][vc_column][layerslider_vc id=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row center_row=”yes” margin_top=”30px”][vc_column][vc_column_text]We are a management consulting firm that leads our clients through change and growth. With more than 20 years international experience, our global outlook enables us to see different ways to do things and to bring diverse people together to move forward. As a result, our clients are stronger, more successful, and positioned for future growth.

Through our expertise in organizational development, facilitation, and training, we work with our clients as partners, vested in our clients’ success as fully as in our own.

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Our Work

Rebuilding Trust in a Geographically Dispersed Team

The Situation:
Trust and relationships had broken down in a team whose members were in three different locations. A series of events had resulted in staff refusing to speak with one another or cooperate on important organizational projects. The team’s work was critical for the organization’s operations, and the situation was beginning to have a wider effect across the organization and its partners. More >

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News & Views

October 2021

Platinum Award for Impactful Facilitation!

Each year, the International Association of Facilitators (IAF) identifies the best examples from around the world of facilitated projects that have made a measurable difference.

We were delighted to hear that our work with the S.D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation is recognized as belonging in this group, and even more thrilled to learn at the Award Ceremony that we were being presented with the top-level Platinum Award!

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