Michael joins Elisa Pratt and Andrew Chamberlain, hosts of the Association Transformation podcast, to unpack the surprising gift of resistance and its crucial role in organizational transformation.
Mastering organizational change management: unveiling leadership mistakes with Michael Randel
Michael is in conversation with Tosca Bruno-van Vijfeijken about why people are resistant to change, is it that they fear change, or that rather than resisting change, people fear loss?
6 Key Areas of Organizational Preparedness
Michael is in conversation with Carol Hamilton about the surprising things he learnt from his research on organizations that received transformational gifts from Mackenzie Scott.
Creating a Foundation for Growth
Michael speaks with Cynthia Sepp about the proactive steps that leaders can take that create a strong foundation and readiness for growth.
Five Critical Mistakes to Avoid In Navigating Nonprofit Change
Michael discusses with Patton McDowell five common mistakes made by leaders that can doom a change initiative – and how to avoid them.
Seasons of Growth: A Gardener’s Approach to Change
Michael connects with George Weiner to introduce the RCA Seasons of Growth framework – using the metaphor of a gardener to identify key moves made by change leaders.
Humans of Gestalt: Michael’s story
Michael speaks with Heather Anne Keyes as he reflects on his life’s journey, who he is as a person today, and how his study and application of Gestalt theories of change have shaped his professional life as a consultant.